quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012

Technical Visit to Brasil - October

May - 2012   
3 Reasons to visit the Public Transport system in Brazil and attend the 10th Latin American Assembly:

1 - Standard exemplary quality throughout Latin America public and private operators, BRT, bus and metro system;
2 - Innovation in public management, with metropolitan authorities integrated with municipal polices;

3 - The largest investments in the transport sector in Latin America, driven by large events FIFA World Cup 2014 and Olympics Games 2016;
Technical Visit, Brazil - 02-05, October, Brazil:

Sao Paulo: it is the economic capital of the country with an integrated transportation system both physically and by fare, where municipal and metropolitan systems interact, public and private operators share the system of metro, bus and BRT. 

Curitiba: undergoes a major transformation as being the city's icon of BRT, prepares a big adjustment in the existing transportation system to integrate the metro to the net, which is scheduled for opening in 2016.

Rio de Janeiro: the visit will be finalized with the city of Rio de Janeiro, which is transforming the public transport system to prepare for the Olympic Games in 2016. New subway lines and additional BRT system, would transform the net in the most modern system in the country..
Take your place in this event, do your pre-inscriptionclic here
Any question, latinamerica@uitp.org


Fernando de Caires - UITP - TEL. 55 11 3371 2295

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