quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

Ten ideas for improving BRT systems: new book features C40 expertise

C40 is pleased to highlight the recent publication of Ecomobilidade para o Brasil by Sustainable Urban Transport Project of Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

GIZ worked with 11 authors from Brazil – including C40’s own Adalberto Maluf, C40-CCI City Director in Sao Paulo -- and elsewhere to produce a book-length document supported by Luiz Carlos Bueno de Lima, National Secretary of Transport and Urban Mobility for the Brazilian Ministry of Cities. The goal of the publication is to provide specific tools for eco-mobility for Brazilian cities, with discussions and examples from Brazil, as well as case studies from cities in the developing and developed world from which lessons can be drawn.

In his chapter on public transport, Adalberto Maluf talks about the need to better integrate public policies from different sectors (housing, transport, environment, planning), as well as different levels of government – city, state and federal.  He also argues that governments need better data and tools by which to assess – and integrate planning for – new investments in transportation assets and infrastructure.

Concluding that bus transport – and, in particular, Bus Rapid Transit systems – offers the most promising solution for Brazilian cities, Maluf offers 10 ideas for improvements:
  1. Physical separation of dedicated bus lanes
  2. Elevated station platforms and pre-payment of tickets increase speed of on/off boarding
  3. Passing lines for express bus services to add flexibility and speed to the system
  4. Improvement of public spaces and sidewalks around the BRTs and Bus terminals
  5. Full integration with other transportation modes, e.g. rail and cycling lanes
  6. Marketing Strategy for the whole system to attract users and improve access to information on routes and services
  7. Rationalization of bus routes to improve efficiency and save fuel
  8. Quality improvements in the level of bus service (speed, schedules and cleanliness) to enhance passenger security
  9. Revitalize urban centers and zone for mixed use developments to reduce need for journeys
  10. Invest in newer bus technologies, e.g. hybrids and electric, and fuels e.g. ethanol and sugarcane diesel.

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